Although there was no organized reception, some 40,000 tourists welcomed the New Year holidays in Zlatibor. Accommodation capacity was approximately 80 percent filled and the highest demand was for private apartments.
The nice sunny weather was good for catering and hotel services, so all the bars in central King’s Square were packed yesterday and today.
“It is a total assumption that we came to Zlatibor for the New Year holidays. The atmosphere is beautiful and cool, we spend time outdoors, walking, of course photography is unavoidable,” said Ana Stojanović, a tourist from Belgrade.
As for New Year’s Eve, due to the current epidemiological situation, it was reduced to parties in houses and cabins where people met with their families, but also in apartments where New Year’s Eve was mostly organized by young people and relatives with a television program.

“All the cafes and restaurants were closed at 6 in the afternoon, and there were even daily parties, because they all tried to comply with the epidemiological measures. In hotels, instead of a gala dinner, lunch packages were delivered to visitors’ rooms. The measures were respected. , and New Year’s Eve and the pleasant weather, at this time of year, attracted many walkers to King’s Square.In addition to the square, tourists have access to well-known tourist attractions in Zaltibor, such as Stopić cave, Gostiljski vodopadi, the ethnic people Srigojno, Dino Park and cowboy of the city “, said by RINA, Jovan Pavlović of the Organization of Tourism Zlatibor.
These days the start of work on the Zlatibor Gold Gondola is expected.

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Author: delivery courier