This is what the evidence of Serbian households will look like



03/05/2020 07:00

Testing, medicine, laboratory

Tests, drugs, laboratory, Photo: Shutterstock

Tomorrow a major epidemiological study, that is, targeting tests, will start, covering 7,000 to 10,000 homes across Serbia, and experts say it will help us discover how much collective immunity to our country’s new coronavirus.

Who will prove everything?

Experts note that this epidemiological study will show much broader implications of coronaviruses, including certain demographic findings, but also those related to public health and economic policy. As previously announced, a representative sample will be taken in those parts of our country where there were not a large number of patients.

This demanding epidemiological study, which involves a complete analysis of the population of the population, will be carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of Belgrade, and it is planned to evaluate more than 17,000 people. Epidemiologist Predrag Kon points out that this orientation test will involve entire households drawn from random sampling.

– It works by identifying certain families that will accept all family members for the test and therefore examines whether they are positive or not, that is, if they have acquired antibodies against the virus without first having any symptoms of infection . The focus of interest of our crisis staff will be especially on the social group older than 65 years, which according to these measures was the most protected against infection, said Dr. Kon.

Coronavirus in Serbia

Coronavirus in Serbia, Photo: / Illustration

Otherwise, epidemiologists believe that the number of those infected is even 10 times greater than the number that is increasing day by day, and when it comes to collective immunity, most agree that we are still far from the immunization that would protect us. if the virus returned to autumn Still, according to Dr. Branislav TiodorovicWe will only have accurate data after this massive antibody test.

– Until we finish the tests, we won’t know anything about collective immunity, and everything we say is based on assumptions and calculations. It is a big problem, but it is known that, unlike current tests, when swabs detect the presence of a virus, the blood will determine the presence of antibodies. If everything goes as planned, we might have a clear idea before fall whether we have acquired collective immunity or not, Dr. Tiodorovic said.
