This is what the epidemiologist said


KON EXPLAINED THE NUMBERS HE RELEASED: Here's what the epidemiologist said

Photo: Printscreen TV First

Crisbog epidemiologist and staff member Predrag Kon said today that everything was said yesterday about the number of deaths from the corona virus and that nothing should be added.

“My more detailed explanations create confusion. The result is very positive, there will be reviews. The gist is that, in Crisis Staff, we had data from the relevant institute ‘Trampoline’,” Kon told TV Prva.

When asked if there was any concealment, Kon replied, “It wasn’t, that’s the essence.”

He added that he does not understand the suspicion of some people and that he cannot even accept such a way of thinking, especially when it is exaggerated and politicized.

He reiterated that the data obtained were reliable. Regarding Belgrade, he stated that 118 people have died since the beginning of the epidemic, which was also announced by the Municipal Institute of Public Health.

photo: Printscreen TV First

Kon also explained the figures he presented to the public, prompting reactions in the media.

“We are talking about total mortality for that period, how many died is monitored monthly. In March there were 92 more, in May 85 less, in June 92 more than the average. It can be concluded that there were more, there were and certificates that are issued after the death in which it was written that kovid is 19 years old, than was reported, “said Kon.

He noted that the audit will be carried out by the relevant institutions and that it must lead to the closest truth.

“The seat of the crisis did the best it could,” Kon emphasized, adding that Serbia is doing well.

However, he warned that winter was approaching and that it was necessary to maintain this situation and be even more disciplined.

( Tanjug, TV Prva)

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