This is what the builder said in court, EVERYONE WERE IN SHOCK


– I did not rape her, we were in a serious relationship, even though she is a girl! This was allegedly said at the hearing before the indictment by MM (22), a construction worker from a site in southern Serbia, who is suspected of having kissed a girl (12) from a city in eastern Serbia. Serbia several times in the last year.

Ten years in prison

– It is true that we had privacy, but everything was voluntarily. We love each other and are in a serious relationship: MM was reported to have said and confirmed that during 2020 she had sex with a minor on several occasions.

According to our source, after the hearing, the court ordered MM to be detained for up to 30 days on suspicion that he committed adultery with the minor.

– Although they alleged that there was no coercion and that everything was voluntary, the law considers that every child under 14 years of age is immature to make a decision about their sexual actions, that is, if they are going to have sexual relations – says the source and adds:

– The young man is threatened with a sentence of more than 10 years in prison. MM was arrested on Saturday, when the girl’s neighbors reported that they constantly saw her with a boy much older than her.

“He was arrested, and the girl was sent to the hospital with her mother, where she was examined,” Kurir’s interlocutor explained.

Social psychologist Vesna Tomić:

Incredible statements from the mother

The social psychologist Vesna Tomić says for Kurir “that it is incredible that the mother of the girl talks about the whole case quite normally and defends herself by saying that it is just a love story”.

– The true values ​​have been lost and, unfortunately, we will only have the opportunity to see the consequences. Many factors probably played a role in the whole case, and whether the arrested young man and the girl were actually in a relationship voluntarily or if it was violence, the investigation will show, says Vesna Tomić.

It indicates that the psychopathology of both the child and the young person must be controlled.

– These cases are highly influenced by the environment in which it occurs. You never know, maybe that mother cheated on her daughter, maybe the girl wanted to run away from the family, so she started having a lot of fun with that young man, we still don’t know. However, these are serious age differences at this age and it seems abnormal.

The girl’s mother always explained to the police that she knew the love story between her minor daughter and a ten-year-old builder.

– She wondered why they arrested MM when he is a nice guy that her daughter has been having fun with for a long time and they get along really well. The mother also emphasized that the arrest and interrogation of her daughter are completely superfluous, as well as that she is not clear why the authorities are doing all this because “the love between his girlfriend and that young man is completely sincere and true,” says our research interlocutor.

Neighbors in shock

The minor’s neighbors were shocked by her mother’s reaction.

– How embarrassing! It is not impossible that he wanted to sell or cheat her. He’s a 12-year-old boy! This is sick, it is not normal and no one could look and see this case calmly anymore. That is why it was reported – the state of the neighbors.

MM is originally from southern Serbia, but lives in this city for his work.

– He works in construction and lives in a town near the city. Neighbors who reported this unusual “relationship” reportedly said that they often stay at the house of the girl, who lives with her mother – said a source in Kurir. SAB- JI- BT / Photo Shutterstock

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