This is what is painted on the wall of the crypt where the late head of the Serbian Orthodox Church will await the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD


SECRETS OF THE TOMB OF PATRIARCH IRINEJ: Here is what is painted on the wall of the crypt where the late head of the Serbian Orthodox Church will await the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD

Photo: Petar Lazović, Marina Lopičić

The blessed Patriarch Irinej left the underworld on November 20, leaving the crying believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church and all the admirers of his character and deeds wherever they were.

Archdeacon Milan Kovacevic explained why the crypt of the Temple of Saint Sava is exactly where the tomb of the late leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church is located.

Kovacevic said that the very idea of ​​the crypt changed during the project’s solutions shift because construction technology changed significantly over time.

– It was originally intended to make the crypt space smaller and was designated as the tomb of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The extended crypt, as we know it, also plays an important role in the stability of the entire building, and it also has a theological significance. The word crypt itself means a hidden space, so in a way it refers to the first Christian catacombs and the period of persecution, that is, martyrdom, and the church of Christ flourished on the blood of the holy martyrs. That’s why the church in the Temple’s crypt is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Lazarus of Kosovo, Archdeacon Kovacevic notes.

photo: Instagram / Nikola Jančić

As he says, instead, that space under the ground points to the tomb of Christ, from when the light of the resurrection shone, as the foundation of the Christian faith.

– At the entrance to the space behind the altar, the so-called The old crypt is painted, scenes of the suffering and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, it was quite natural that the resting place of the Serbian patriarchs was in the crypt of the Temple. Here, our patriarchs, under the prayerful patronage of the first hierarch and Saint Sava, will welcome the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century – says the archdeacon.

“40 Days of Requiem Liturgy for the Patriarch”

Archdeacon Kovacevic says that in the crypt, that is, in the Temple of the Holy Great Martyr Lazarus, a liturgy is served for 40 days, followed by a memorial service at the tomb of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej.

– The crypt is open every day for all who want to visit the tomb, pray for the rest of the soul or otherwise show respect to Patriarch Irinej. A duel book has also been opened, says Kovacevic.

“We have received a courageous intercessor before the Lord”

The death of Patriarch Irinej is a great blow to the entire Orthodox world, and the news of his death never left anyone indifferent.

– Certainly, the death of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej is a great loss for our church. However, our faith is faith in eternal life, which was given to us by the resurrection of Christ, Kovacevic notes.

As he says, death is a tragedy, it is, he adds, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, the last enemy of man, but Christians perceive death as a temporary separation.

“We believe that we have lost a wise leader, a good shepherd and a spiritual father on earth, but we have gained another courageous intercessor before God in heaven,” Archdeacon Kovacevic said.

Serbian patriarch Irinej passed away at the age of 90 after 15 days of hard fight against the corona virus.

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