This is what is happening in the villages, lakes! In 10-15 days, this SCENARIO could hit us


NIS – Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic said today that it is realistic to expect a higher percentage of people suffering from covid-19 in the coming days and calls on citizens to adhere to the measures.

He told RTS that in the next 10-15 days, it is realistic to expect an increase in the percentage of patients, not only due to returnees from summer vacation, but also due to certain situations in Serbia.

As he himself says, although the data shows that the situation in Serbia is the calmest in this part of Europe, that should not cause optimism, but should lead us to an additional caution.

Tiodorovic points out that in the mountains and lakes there are those who gather in cafes, restaurants and rafts.

He also says that when there is greater control over the implementation of the measures in a city, then there is a phenomenon that everyone moves to neighboring places and organizes events, weddings, etc … He points out that this is not a characteristic of a certain part of the country, but it happens everywhere.

Speaking of returnees from abroad, he said that he believes that citizens are familiar with everything, that they will receive instructions at the border, which is above all a call to take care of their health and therefore, the general health of the population.

As you said, citizens will receive instructions where they can request and leave certain data electronically, and there is also a self-assessment. All of this will be in the database and available to physicians.

Tiodorović points out that the goal is to discover potential cases as soon as possible and that after ten days, if there are no problems, there will be a pause, and citizens will not have movement and communication restrictions.

However, it says that children coming from summer vacation should not go to schools and kindergarten for about ten days.

Tiodorovic said that it is difficult to take stock of the future and pointed out that we are part of the world, that the borders are open and that the economy is very important.


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