This is what he is saying to the citizens of Serbia for the next weekend PHOTO


DOCTOR KON WARNED ON FACEBOOK: This is what you are saying to the citizens of Serbia for the next weekend PHOTO

Photo: Beta Milan Obradović, Facebook Printscreen

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon took to Facebook and called on citizens to adhere to measures to combat the coronavirus virus over the weekend.

– Patients who were infected on Friday and Saturday nights (last weekend) are beginning to register. Don’t plan for an increased risk of infection for the upcoming weekend. Avoid mass gatherings, especially parties with loud music and singing. Keep healthy! Risk contacts prohibited! Everyone needs you, and especially those closest to you, and you are important – wrote Kon.

He noted that “there are no jokes with kovid” and asked citizens to stay home.

photo: Printscreen Facebook

– Don’t joke with Kovid. Stay at home. When you go out, wear a mask, especially indoors, it is indicated in the advertisement.

Yesterday, Dr. Kon warned that the situation in Belgrade was unfavorable, with a tendency to get worse. According to him, the coronavirus will be very active in the capital this week and next, from where it will spread to other countries.

According to the latest report, another 2,412 citizens of the 12,617 tested are positive for the corona virus in Serbia. Unfortunately, 6 people died. There are 53 ventilator patients in hospitals across Serbia.


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