This is what customs officials seized, and this case will especially surprise you PHOTO


Over the weekend, customs officials, in cooperation with the Batrovci crossing police, prevented various smuggling attempts, namely: marijuana, counterfeit bills, and even a migrant who hid under a truck.

Around noon on October 31, 2020, four packages of marijuana, with a total weight of 2.2 kilograms, were discovered, which the driver hid in the van’s air conditioning.

photo: Carina

An attempted drug smuggling was discovered after passport control, when members of the border police flagged the vehicle for detailed examination.

During the detailed inspection of the van traveling on the Gjakova – Lausanne line, customs officers and police officers found four hidden drug packages hidden in the opening in the roof of the van, which is intended for air conditioning.

photo: Carina

The van was driven by a 44-year-old driver from the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija, while three other drivers and a passenger, all of Albanian nationality, traveled in the vehicle.

Two hours earlier, at the entrance to the same crossing, four counterfeit banknotes in denominations of 50 euros were discovered.

photo: Carina

The counterfeit money was discovered in a passenger of Turkish nationality who, accompanied by a companion, was heading to Turkey. When asked by customs officials if they had anything to report, both passengers claimed that they had nothing with them except personal effects. However, while checking the amount of money the passengers were carrying, customs officials found four 50-euro bills with the driver, so there is a well-founded suspicion that they were forgeries.

photo: Carina

The next day, November 1, 2020, Batrovac customs officials prevented an attempt by a migrant to cross the border illegally by hiding under a truck. A detailed check on the mobile customs scanner noted that the silhouette of a man lying down was on the chassis of the trailer, so customs officers took on the role of rescuers this time as well to get the unfortunate man to safety.


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Author: delivery courier
