This is what a change of climate awaits us soon! And only when you see what winter will be like


According to the forecasts of the meteorologists, in five or six days there will be a change of climate, which will be interrupted by sunny and pleasant days.

A significant drop in temperatures, winds and rains from the north, and even snowfall, is expected.

It seems that this change in climate could be an introduction to the changing first decade of the eleventh month, and at the same time, greater amounts of precipitation could fall locally, and there could be snow not only in the mountains but also in some lowlands of the region. And then a winter could come that hasn’t been remembered for years.

We remind you that the forecast that this winter will be very cold was recently given by the popular meteorologist from Tutin, Muhamed Ademović (69), a retired professor, who for years has been forecasting the exact weather conditions by observing the behavior of animals and plants.

According to their statement in September, the ants had already started to nest deep in the ground, meaning the winter could be strong and harsh.

Following ants, moles, snails, and other animals and plants, it collects data that it then connects and compiles into a forecast for a longer period of time. According to his statements, to be as accurate as possible, in addition to the information he received from nature, he also uses temperature measurement stations that he has in the backyard of his house.


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