This is the secret creation of Greater Albania!



09.12.2020. 15:20

Zaharova stated that efforts are intensifying to promote the concept of a Greater Albania

Marija zaharova

Marija Zaharova, Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marija zaharova He drew attention to, as he said, intensified efforts to promote the concept of a Greater Albania and said that Russia called on the EU, as a mediator in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, to exert pressure for the respect of the agreements reached in Kosovo. and Metohija.

In a sentence, Zaharova stated that efforts are being intensified to promote the concept of a Greater Albania, which include, as stated, the November 27 memorandum on the establishment of the Congress of Municipalities of Albania, which “would include the territory of (so-called) Kosovo,” reports TAS S.

“This is an attempt to secretly create an Albanian common space outside the framework of the law and contrary to the sovereignty and borders of internationally recognized countries,” Zaharova said in a statement issued Tuesday.

She assessed that such actions seem especially cynical, considering the Pristina authorities’ refusal to comply with their obligations to form Association of Serbian Municipalities of Kosovo and Metohija.

– Meanwhile, the European Union, which mediates the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, still cannot oblige (the so-called) Kosovo to respect the agreements reached with the participation of Brussels. We assume that the EU must pursue a balanced policy, pressing to harmonize with the agreements reached – said Zaharova.

TAS S adds that Moscow is convinced that peace and stability in the Balkans can only be achieved on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and by respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all Balkan states.
