This is the new working hours for fast food restaurants in residential buildings


COMING INTO EFFECT TODAY: This is the new working hours for fast food restaurants in residential buildings


The decision to ban 24-hour working hours at fast food restaurants in residential buildings took effect today, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said.

Under that decision, which was adopted last week at the City Assembly session, fast food restaurants in residential buildings can function just like cafes and restaurants – weekdays until midnight and weekends until 1 in the morning.

As Vesić specified, until October 31, these facilities can operate on weekdays until 1 in the afternoon, because it is a measure brought by the City Council to help catering companies.

“It is no longer possible for fast food restaurants to work all night,” Vesić said, adding that the decision was made because citizens complained and justifiably said they did not have a peaceful dream and that the city government wants to put order.

photo: Studio B Printscreen

“Just as we introduced order when it comes to parking, we will also introduce order when it comes to noise, solve the problem of steam and odors, and protect citizens whenever they are right. It was not normal for citizens to gather around. in three or four-morning buildings, they scream and eat food. There is no such thing anywhere in the world, “Vesić noted.

According to him, yesterday all fast food restaurants in residential buildings were warned, although seven days ago they knew that the decision would take effect.

“This is one more victory of the citizens over the arrogant. We fight so that everyone works, so that all jobs survive, but never to the detriment of citizens. You cannot have a restaurant or a cafe and harass the people who live in the building, but to work so that they live normally and earn money, ”said Vesić.

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Author: delivery courier
