This is the most important news that marked the day behind us


A review of the most important news of Friday, September 11. The day left behind in Serbia looks like this:

RUSSIA STAYS WITH SERBIA! PUTIN: Vucic personally contributed to the development of Russian-Serbian ties! APOLOGIZED FOR ZAHAROV

The presidents of the two countries spoke by phone yesterday. Informed of the talks in Washington and Brussels on Kosovo, the head of the Kremlin confirmed “the invariability of the position of principle regarding the finding of a compromise solution acceptable to Belgrade.”

photo: Marina Lopicic


Richard Grenell, special adviser to the President of the United States for the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, received President Donald Trump’s second nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize today, and this time Belgrade and Pristina were nominated for that prestigious award.

VUCIC TALKS WITH NETANJAHU: Great conversation! Friendship between Israel and Serbia confirmed

Serbian President Alkesandra Vučić said he had an excellent telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which the friendship between the two countries was confirmed and a visit to Israel was announced.

VUCIC MEETS DODIK IN FOUR EYES: We speak without associates, see how Villa Mir looks from the inside (PHOTO)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met today with the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, without the presence of associates, at Villa Mir in Belgrade.

MALI ON ECONOMIC MEASURES BY THE CROWN: We will wait until October and November to plan new steps.

The state regularly analyzes and monitors the consequences of the corona virus pandemic, and in order to get a detailed picture of our income and finances and to plan possible further steps, we will wait until October and November, Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali told Sputnik.

photo: Courier, Printscreen

GRAY ZONE: Šolak televisions operate outside the law, do not have permits, broadcast commercials illegally, avoid taxes …

Unlike national broadcasters, H1 TV, Nova S, Sport Club and other United Group cable channels are simply invisible to national legislation, thanks to

ownership, registration outside of Serbia and a program that is not treated as a product originating in Serbia.

KORONA LIVE IN SERBIA, LAST SECTION: 92 positive, 1 patient died

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, 9,507 citizens were tested in Serbia during the last 24 hours, and 92 people tested positive for the coronavirus.

photo: Printscreen

THE INTERNET IS HOT, IN THE MORNING ON THE NETS THIS MORNING: We have to decide what is most important to us! This is what he wrote

We have to decide … Are the mass holidays most important to us or should we keep the epidemic under control together … It is more important that wedding planners, musicians, wedding dress sellers work successfully, than fans of the sports go to games, are they more important to us? mass gatherings and various events that we love and enjoy or is people’s lives more important to us and the protection of the Serbian health system ?, wrote epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon this morning on his Facebook profile e it immediately set the networks on fire, provoked comment and divided Serbia on what to do.

NO ONE WHO HAS CATS HAS BEEN CROWN SICK! Dr. Gligić was the first to raise this issue, and the world is investigating whether they are hiding the CURE FOR THE CROWN

After the famous virologist Dr. Ana Gligić said that until now “nobody has been infected who has cats”, many people suddenly became interested in these animals and in knowing if they are hiding the cure for SARS-CoV-2.


The Crisis Personnel session, which will take place on Monday, will discuss the possible introduction of quarantine for returnees from abroad, mainly from Montenegro, where in recent days almost one in three people tested tested positive for the kovid virus. 19.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

STUDENTS WITHOUT BOOKS: Elementary school students have not yet received free textbooks from the state SOCIETY

Free textbooks for eligible elementary students have not yet reached some schools, so students have nothing to learn or work from, and some parents have even bought books so their children won’t. fall behind the rest of the class on material. However, there are many who cannot afford it, and students have nothing to work on in class or at home.

HIGHER PENSIONS SINCE JANUARY, ACCORDING TO THE SWISS FORMULA: Here is the amount you will receive if you had 20,000 or 30,000 in 2012! January pensions will be increased according to the “Swiss formula”, which will continue to improve the standards of pensioners in 2021, as announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, announced the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs.

PETAR STRUGAR TOLD ME TO SMELL! The farm worker admitted that he hit the actor with his fist, for which he revealed his side of the story.

Actor Petar Strugar reported Thursday that he was physically assaulted in Jakovo, on the farm where he is a tenant. He said a farm worker, Ivan G., hit him on the head with a fist after the argument.

DOUBLE WAIT FOR RUTOVIĆ’S GODFATHER: Two teams of enforcers stalked the famous caterer, HE HAD NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE!

It is suspected that the liquidation of Dragan Ristić Čađa was carefully planned and that several people participated in the organization.

TERRIBLE TRAGEDY! MOTHER AND SON DIE WITHIN HALF HOUR: He was hit by a car while waiting for the ambulance, and he became ill and died.

An accident happened near Lake Bor last night when Dragan P. (51) fell ill and his mother Slavka TM (70) was hit by a car while waiting for an ambulance due to her son. The ambulance first tried to help the woman, and when they failed, they headed to the house where the son was already dead.

photo: Adria Media TV

FEAR AND HORROR IN NOVI SAD! A young man brutally beaten, a bully beat him even when he lost consciousness (DISCOURAGING VIDEO) A brutal beating occurred last night in Novi Sad. The video from the security camera of one of the bars that circulates on social networks is chilling.

GIRL ABUSE INVESTIGATION (8) IN ZAJECAR: Did you say you weren’t the only uncle ?!

The Zajecar prosecution interrogated a girl (8), who was allegedly abused by MS this summer while teaching her to swim. The girl (8) from Zajecar, suspected of having been a victim of MS (64) this summer, was questioned at the Zajecar Prosecutor’s Office and said that MS “is not the only” uncle “she had to satisfy.

PEDOPHILA ARRESTED, MOTHER OF A GIRL (8) DESPERATION: My neighbor abused my daughter, she wanted to kill the bastard!

NP (49), a resident of Novi Sad, was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a neighbor (8) from May to September, when he was staying at his home as a guest. The alleged pedophile was handcuffed the day before yesterday and is charged with the crime of illegal sexual activity.

photo: Shutterstock

GRANDMA KILLED, THEN BURNED IN BELGRADE: Desanka went into hiding for 11 years! She was finally arrested, and this is how she defended herself

Desanka N. (42) from Pancevo was arrested on suspicion that she killed Milja Reč (77) in Zvezdara, Belgrade, in August 2009, and then set fire to the old woman’s apartment to cover up the traces of the crime.


The metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, said that he expected that next year the construction of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Cetinje would begin, where he planned to store three relics, one of which is the icon of the Mother of God. Filermosa, located in the National Museum of Montenegro.

SCANDAL SCANDAL OF AMER ACCORDING TO ĐOKOVIĆ: According to them, Novak is the “BIGGEST ASS” in the history of professional sports!

Who cares, the American media on Novak Djokovic. Thus, the well-known site “The daily beast” brings a scandalous text about the best Serbian and world tennis player.

photo: printskrin

LITHUANIA RECOGNIZES TIKHANOVSKAYA AS PRESIDENT OF BELARUS: International community invited to support an application

Former Belarusian presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and the Opposition Coordination Council are the only legitimate representatives of Belarus, according to a resolution adopted by the Lithuanian Seimas (parliament).

TERRIBLE FIRE IN CALIFORNIA CONTINUES TO TAKE LIVES: At least 10 people die, 16 are listed as missing (VIDEO)

Authorities in Northern California announced today that at least 10 people died in the fires and that 16 people are still missing. Bute County Police found seven bodies, and three the day before, the AP reports.


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