THIS IS THE MESSAGE THAT WAS VIOLATED AT THE ASSEMBLY: You are in a relationship with a musician forty years older! (PHOTO / VIDEO)


She drew attention to herself yesterday by hitting the parliamentary seats, but also last year, when the media wrote about her relationship with musician Boban Petrović (69) of almost four decades, a former DJ and businessman.

She is, by the way, a cellist who has so far not been involved in politics, but her name appeared in the media precisely because of her emotional connection to a much older man.

– He flew into my life like a fury, at that time in 2010 I was finishing specialization studies – Jelena said for “Gloria”, describing how the relationship with Petrović began.

He, on the other hand, first noticed Jelena for her musical talent. They met at an event in Belgrade and it all started by giving him his book and his CD.

Boban Petrović also spoke about their relationship, saying that he met Jelena at the time when he was divorced from his wife and completely penniless.

As he once told the media, he does not want a lot of money, besides that big money “already hit him in my life and then they killed me.” He also said he was “homeless” at the time.

– We are both connected mainly by music, and maybe because of the fact that I spent money, so he took pity on me and took me under his lap. Emotions exist, but they are more primordial than earthly, we are in a cosmic relationship that should be real. Our contact is not limited to the banality of everyday life, we both saw in each other someone with whom it is very interesting to spend every moment – Boban Petrović once said to “Gloria”.


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