
Photo: Printscreen / Instagram
Bojana Ćorilić (25) from Novi Sad is a strong girl and that epithet belongs to her for many reasons.
A young woman who changed her vision of the world one night, so she matured in an instant and realized that love is the most important thing in the world. Bojana is a girl who was injured in the Zitiste massacre on July 2, 2016, when Siniša Zlatić killed five people, including his ex-wife, at their bloody “Kalashnikov” party.
He injured 22 people, including Bojana, who was found in the “Makijato” cafe that tragic night. He was only 21 years old and received six bullets in the body. She was in a coma, and the consequence of this horrible event for her was the amputation of her leg.
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3, was an opportunity for this brave girl to talk about her horrible experience, the night after her left leg was amputated, the paths she took after that, but also the situation of people with some type of disability.
“When such a great tragedy occurs in life, each person goes through five stages of grief: rejection, anger, sadness, acceptance, happiness. For a person to recover, they have to go through those stages. It was difficult to go through them. There are so many. It was hard, that there were days when I wanted to give up, the reason why I am not is my family, friends and all the people who were with me in those difficult moments, the man tries himself in trouble and I can say that many people demonstrated in a positive way ”, begins Bojana the story for Telegraf.
When asked where he found the strength to overcome the accident that happened to him with a smile, he said:
“I found strength in my support, my family, my friends, the people around me. I just kept going, knowing that someone would catch me if I fell. Without all of them, I would not be here now. I will be eternally grateful.”
When the hail of bullets flooded the cafe where Bojana was that terrible night, as she says, she was thinking only of her family.
“In moments, all the happy memories that I shared with them and with my friends went through my head and in that moment I realized what is important in life: love,” says this happy and smiling girl.
After the massacre, Bojana ended up in the Vojvodina Clinical Center. He woke up from a coma after two weeks.
When I woke up, the first thought that crossed my head was: “Am I going to make it to the exit?” He did not know what had happened at the time. It took time for my brain. Weather. Time is the most important parameter because over time it gets easier and the person needs time to accept the new reality ”, says Bojana.
Four years have passed since the bloody party in Zitiste. And it seems that all the horror that the tragedy brought with it, could not adversely affect this strong girl. As she says, she has matured a lot since then and now sees some things differently.
“Do you know that saying: ‘You don’t even know how strong you are until something terrible happens to you’? I totally agree with that. I didn’t know how much strength I have inside of me. Has it changed the course of my life, I never will? ? “What if this was supposed to be the course of my life? You cannot know what tomorrow will be, you can only live today and hope for a better tomorrow, “he added.
In recent years, since her leg was amputated, Bojana has faced numerous barriers, namely architectural.
“In the vast majority, state institutions are not adapted for people with disabilities. I was fortunate that good people with big hearts helped me get a modern prosthesis with which I can overcome those barriers, but what should those who do not do? Are you so lucky? Now? ” There is another question: Why did I have to ask other people for help? Currently people with disabilities are receiving orthopedic aids that are very bad and that were used 30 years ago. We live in a modern world, we need to wear modern prosthetics. I believe that people with disabilities are discriminated against on this issue and that they should work on that. If they can get modern prosthetics for their inhabitants in Europe, if our neighbors have started working on it, why shouldn’t we? ”He wonders. .
People with disabilities also face the views of the environment, which, according to him, are not “very pleasant”.
“We live in a small environment where every difference is immediately noticeable and where the difference is not ‘everyday’. However, how uncomfortable it will be for you depends on you. I don’t even notice those opinions anymore, because I accepted myself, but a person who is still fragile In some environments it is not common to see a person with a disability on the street, outside, to live their life, but it is considered that they must stay at home, that is a shame. It is like that everywhere, but in most places, it is, “says Bojana Ćorilić.
However, despite all the obstacles, Bojana has completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Technical Sciences and is currently preparing a master’s thesis.
“I also started working and preparing to take the driving test. Because of the crown, I can’t deal with the activism / motivational speeches as much, but I hope that will change soon. I think I should help other people besides fighting. people with disabilities. Because I am still here with you for a reason. My time is not running out, “said the brave young woman.

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