This is the main reason for the increase in the number of infected people!



16.10.2020. 16:59

KBC Bežanijska kosa Director Marija Zdravković stated that HIV positive patients, transplant patients, diabetics and cancer patients can have special complications when infecting the corona virus.

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Printscreen /

Deputy Director of the Trampoline Institute Darija Kisić Tepavčević He said today that the coronavirus in our country infects the working population, up to 60 years of age, which, according to them, are the most mobile and the least elderly.

At the crisis staff conference, Kisić noted that older people are still the most responsible.

Do you act responsibly and wear a mask?

He claims that the main “sources” and the biggest risk factors are infecting celebrations and all other gatherings.

Kisic says that school-age children have shown how following preventive measures can significantly slow down the transmission of the virus, even indoors.

KBC Bežanijska kosa Director Marija Zdravković stated that HIV positive patients, transplant patients, diabetics and cancer patients can have special complications when infecting the corona virus.

Zdravković affirms that it is very important in this period to work on strengthening immunity, eating fruits and vegetables, and avoiding smoking, fatigue and certain medications that affect the immune system.
