This is the latest situation in schools around the coronavirus (VIDEO)



25.09.2020. 14:55 – 25.09.2020. 15:44

Latest data.

Crisis headquarters

Crisis headquarters, Photo: Tanjug

Representatives of the crisis headquarters present the latest data on the epidemic in Serbia.

– Weekly there are fewer hospitalizations than in the previous period. This is encouraging data, but it can change very quickly. we are among the countries with the lowest risk of infection in Europe. We all managed to do that together by adhering to all the rules, we hope it will continue in the next period, when we enter the period of respiratory infections, said Darija Kisić.

Situation in schools

– From September 1 to 20, 36 children were reported in elementary schools that were positive, as well as 12 children in secondary schools, we also had a case of transmission within the department. The total number of infected in four weeks is 39 students in elementary schools and 19 in secondary schools. The stable situation in schools is an indicator of a safe situation in teaching, we hope that this will continue and that our children will be able to attend classes in the school environment – said Kisić.

Supervision of foreign passengers

– From last Friday until today, 32,000 of our citizens have registered, after completing the self-assessment test, 45 citizens received a score indicating the presence of infection and were sent to the Kovid clinic – said Kisić.

The situation in Vojvodina is stable, 14 patients are being treated at KCV, three of whom are on a ventilator, said provincial secretary Zoran Gojković, adding that maximum work is being done to reduce the waiting list.

Zoran Gojkovic

Zoran Gojkovic, Photo: Tanjug

In the Republic of Serbia, at 3 pm on September 25, 2020, a total of 33,238 confirmed cases of kovid 19 were recorded.

Since the last report, samples from 7,422 people have been tested, of which 75 are positive. One person died in the last 24 hours.

A total of 1,106,444 people who met the criteria to define the case were tested for coronavirus at 3 pm in the Republic of Serbia.

Daruja Kisic Tepavcevic

Daruja Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Tanjug

Like yesterday, there are 22 patients on ventilators, which is the most encouraging figure.

The total number of deaths is 746.

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