This is the last chance, if the dialogue fails, the protests will continue


The president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, said that the inter-party dialogue in Serbia is the last chance to come out of the crisis peacefully and reach free elections in which citizens can freely express their will.

“If that doesn’t happen, then they threaten us with an outcome that can’t be good, and (upcoming) protests in the streets,” Djilas said on Newsmax Adria’s “Review of the Day” program.

According to him, “without the success of the negotiations there will be no elections”, and therefore the participation of the opposition in them.

“If there is no free will of the citizens, and if pressure is put on the voters, then there is no choice and we have no need to participate in that,” Djilas said.

He said he hoped that the participation of MEPs in the dialogue in Serbia would contribute to the realization of the minimum conditions for participation in the political race.

“I don’t think these are ideal conditions, but I hope that RTS becomes a public service, which will give everyone the opportunity to speak their minds, that is, correct society.” We also hope to find a model that avoids the collection of ‘capillary’ or safe votes in public companies. “If those two things are fulfilled, (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vučić has absolutely no chance of winning the elections,” Djilas said.

He said that the focus of the opposition should be the fight for fair electoral conditions, and only then should talks begin on how to act on it.

“After that, we need to see how we will go to the polls and how we will find people for the most responsible positions, behind which all those who are against this regime will be able to stand.” That means that we, who are the leaders of the opposition parties, and have been targeted for years, are fully aware that we should not be in the front row tomorrow, ”said Djilas.

“The fact that the parliamentarian defends that we are not there and that everyone is silent about it, proof of where we live.”

“The fact that a parliamentarian in the Assembly defends ‘that we are not there’, and everyone is silent about it, is proof of where we live,” Djilas told, reacting to the statement of the Serbian Progressive MP. Party, Nebojsa Bakarec, who indirectly made a threat.

Earlier today, SNS MP Nebojsa Bakarec declared in the Serbian Parliament that there was a conspiracy against President Aleksandar Vucic, and sent an indirect threat to former BIA chief Sasa Vukadinovic, whose photo of Trieste with Dragan Djilas was published by some tabloids.

“The fact that a deputy is defending in the Assembly” that we are not there “, and all the others are silent, is proof of where we live. And we are more and more. And every day we will do more loudly so that what is heard is heard. As much as possible the truth about this criminal regime. Regarding the accusations against Sasa Vukadinovic, he has been working in my company for five years as a lawyer. This is a man in whose time our obligations to The Hague were fulfilled, in which time criminals like Joca Amsterdam they were arrested and at which time Saric’s group broke up … The criminals were the only ones who wanted him to leave at that time. The same case is today, “said Djilas for the portal.
