THIS IS THE HIGHEST PAID OFFICIAL IN SERBIA HISTORY! Bajatović collects 3.9 MILLION DINAR per month or 66 average wages from workers!


Arrogant officials like the socialist and PE director “Srbijagas” Dusan Bajatovic – who performs a total of eight functions, thanks to which he earns up to 66 average Serbian salaries each month – and the members of the NIS Board of Directors, who earn almost 13 Average wages each month are examples of party profiteers. Those who in their arrogance broke any control, experts estimate for Kurir!

Dusan Bajatovic
photo: Courier

They say that precisely for this reason, the system must be urgently changed. That is, Bajatović “earns” about 3.9 million dinars per month (in addition, according to the property card data published on the Anti-Corruption Agency website, in June 2019 he received a one-time annual award as a member of the Supervisory Board of “Jugorosgaz” in for an amount of up to 1.47 million dinars), and considering that the average net salary in Serbia in October amounted to 60.109 dinars, a simple calculation shows that he earns an incredible 66 salaries each! month!

Among the record holders in terms of income in Serbia, as Kurir has already written, is the wife of SPO leader Vuk Draskovic, pensioner Danica Draskovic, who receives a pension of 40,000 dinars and, as a member of the Board of Directors from NIS, raises another 771,000 dinars each month. In total, Danica receives 811,000 dinars a month, or 13.5 average wages.

Danica’s colleague, Dragutin Matanović, also a member of the NIS Board of Directors, receives 784,000 dinars a month for this position, or 13 average salaries.

Dragan Dobrašinović, president of the Coalition for the Supervision of Public Finances, says things must change.

– The only normal principle is “an official, a function and a salary”, when it comes to the public sector. And of course, competition and public contests. This must work for the system to become normal, and that, after all, is prescribed by law. As long as these game variants exist, we will have this situation – he evaluated.

To lose control

Belgrade lawyer Ivan Ninić told Kurir that there are people and institutions that have completely lost control.

– Obviously, they think that they can determine their own salary and many times they justify it by the fact that they are not users of the budget. Given that this has been repeated for decades, it is convenient to issue a regulation that regulates all salaries in the public sector and in all the institutions founded by the Republic and that exercise public power. In addition, depending on what the fiscal year will be like, the limitation of salaries in the public sector should be considered – thinks Ninic.

Ninic adds that the issue of salaries in the public sector is always a great demagoguery.

– Nor can ministers work for 1,000 euros, including directors of public companies, because it is a responsible and complex job, and we hope that they are not subject to corruption. But also a judge who judges the most dangerous criminal groups cannot have a salary of between 1,000 and 2,000 euros. All that says how upside down the system is – he concluded.

( Zigic / Photo: Beta Dragan Gojic)

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Author: delivery courier
