This is the first time he addressed the Serbian people in this way, and he had a reason for that! (VIDEO)



15.09.2020. 15:27 – 15.09.2020. 16:05

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić took to Instagram on the occasion of the holidays that Serbia and the Republika Srpska celebrate together on this day.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundžić

Day of unity, freedom and the national flag of Serbia It is a party that is celebrated for the first time in our country, but also Republika Srpska, while previously it was decided that it would be a joint celebration.

– There are no higher and more important values ​​than the unity of our people and the freedom for which our ancestors fought, for which we will fight in the future.

If we are united, in harmony, united, the Serbs, and this is not just a national holiday, but one of all Serbs, we can overcome all adversities, overcome all problems, secure and guarantee the future of our children.

I congratulate the people of Srpska and Serbia on the holiday, but also all the Serbs of the world. We are proud of our flag and we will protect it, we know how to protect the country, but also the common people. Thus united, we will leave a trace in the history of Europe and the world and we will have a good and secure future – said President Vučić on Instagram.
