THIS IS SAŠA POPOVIĆ AND SUZANA’S DAUGHTER! She can do whatever she wants, and this is what she does and she is not interested in ESTRADA at all


The daughter of Sasa Popovic and Suzana Jovanovic does not like to be exposed in the media, and now her photo has appeared on social networks and many comment that Aleksandra has become a true beauty.

That is, Aleksandra is studying production and is not at all interested in show business, in which her parents participate.

She is not like other girls, and this is demonstrated by the fact that she did not want to host her 18th birthday glamorously, or with too many people, which Sasha only spoke about once.

– I asked him if he wanted a bigger celebration, but he wanted to celebrate the day with some of his friends and family. We celebrated his 18th birthday very well, well, quietly, without any pomp. He doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t take drugs, and he doesn’t wear piercings. It doesn’t come out at night – Sasha said then.

Popović and Suzana are delighted that the children want to stay in Serbia and that they have expressed their desire to one day live near them in Bežanijska kosa. How little she is interested in popularity is also shown by the fact that she is nowhere to be found with her parents, and there are only a few photos of her in the media.

Aleksandra Popović
photo: Printscreen Paparazzi lov

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
