This is Milica Kemez’s father! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



17.12.2020. 14:15

Milica kemez

Milica Kemez, Photo:

Sad confession Milice kemez In the third season of the reality show “Zadruga”, all of Serbia cried. He shared the story of his difficult childhood with his co-workers.

That is, he was left without both parents, he saw his mother’s photo for the first time when he went to the cemetery, and he met his father a little later, when he got out of jail, but he also passed away shortly after.

Milica kemez

Milica Kemez, Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

– I have been in the Home for Abandoned Children in Bela Crkva since I was three years old. Without any explanation. I want to be strong for all those children, first of all. From there, my sister and I were taken to a host family, I think I was 4 years old (my sister is 2 years older). There was only one woman in that family, she did not have her children, so she took care of him … I was very young and that woman was called my mother. At first everything was fine, but I don’t remember much, I just pushed it somewhere. I don’t remember until I was five years old – he said at that time.

– When I arrived in Novi Sad, the third foster family told me: “Milica, we found your family.” They told me that my mother was not alive, that she had died seven years ago. I did not know. Soon after, my grandfather passed away. I saw the photo of my mother on the grave for the first time. It was one of the hardest moments of my life, because I didn’t have to meet her there. I discovered that my father was in jail, he had a problem with alcohol. He was wearing crutches, as far as I know … – he said during his stay in “Zadruza”.

Milica Kemez's late father

Milica Kemez’s late father, Photo: Facebook / Printscreen / Cooperative

A photo of her late father circulates on social media. Fans said that Milica looked incredibly like him. Take a look at the photo above and conclude yourself.

Yesterday there was a real car accident in the Cooperative. Milica seriously attacked Bora Santana. Security has arrived and you can see the details HERE!

