This is Jasmina who was murdered by her lover in Baric, a clear motive for a serious crime



24.09.2020. 15:35

The Belgrade police found Jasmina L.’s body in a house in Baric after Radovan R. tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge in Sabac, where he was prevented from doing so.

Jasmina P, murdered in Baric

Jasmina L, killed in Baric, Photo: Printskrin

Jasmina L. who was murdered in Barič she allegedly worked as a nurse at the KCS in Serbia.

Baric residents unofficially say they heard that she is originally from nearby Koceljevo and has known Radovan for a long time.

– He communicated poorly with his neighbors. It seemed calm and peaceful – says one of the neighbors.

– I heard you recently divorced and have two children. We know that she supposedly had a new partner who used to go to her, but I don’t know who he is. Only they know what happened between the two of them.

Radovan R, a municipal official suspected of murder in Baric, stabbed to death his lover Jasmina L., who worked at the Serbian Clinical Center. After a bloody feast, Radovan attempted suicide.

The Belgrade police found Jasmina L.’s body in a house in Baric after Radovan R. tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge in Sabac, where he was prevented from doing so.

It turned out that Radovan and Jasmina, both relatives with their spouses and adult children, met in their hometown and started a love story.

After a while, they decided to start a life together to get away from their spouses … She used to work at the Serbian Clinical Center as a cook.

It is believed that the reason for the bloodshed could be Jasmina’s decision to return to her husband and continue her life with him.

Let’s remember. Enraged by that decision, Radovan approached the house in Baric, climbed to his room with the help of a ladder, and stabbed him to death in a heavy fight. After that, he locked the room, got in the car, and drove to Sabac.
