THIS IS HOW TRUMP TALKS ABOUT SERBS IN 1999: We created chaos in Kosovo, it is not a success for me (VIDEO)


In early October 1999, on the Larry King show on CNN television, he spoke about the NATO bombing of the FRY, which had ended a few months earlier.

Trump later said that the bombing brought devastation, chaos and terror to Kosovo.

“I don’t know if they consider it a success, because I don’t consider it a success,” Trump said at the time.

When asked by King if he would do the same in Kosovo as then-US President Bill Clinton, Trump replied:

– Well, I would do it a little differently. And I know it would sound horrible, but look at the devastation they caused in Kosovo. We can say that we have lost few people. Of course, when we had planes dropping bombs from about 23 kilometers. But look at what we did in that land and those people and the deaths that happened because of us. So there were no losses to us and the allies, because we were up there, on the planes, Trump said.

However, he was not opposed to US intervention in general.

– At some point you have to send ground troops so that nobody can cross the borders and everything else. Now would people die? Maybe. Maybe more. But at least we’d have a lot less deaths and you wouldn’t have the devastation and chaos that you have now. So I don’t know if they consider it a success, because I don’t consider it a success. They fiercely bombed the country and the entire area, everyone is fleeing in all possible directions and no one knows what is happening. And there are thousands of deaths – Trump said at the time.

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