This is how she defended herself in the Prosecutor’s Office, it is possible that they release her (VIDEO)


Daria Janjić Nišavić, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimović, suspected of taking bribes, was questioned today at the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade.

As we have learned unofficially, Janjić Nišavić defended himself at the Prosecutor’s Office by keeping silent. And DC, who was arrested with an aide to the minister and suspected of giving bribes, also defended itself by keeping quiet.

As we have learned unofficially, the prosecution proposed that the arrest be ordered. However, the judge did not listen to them and did not decide on the arrest. If that does not happen, while the police detention measure lasts, they will be released.

Let us remind you that Daria Janjić Nišavić was arrested yesterday by order of the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office.

In addition to her, DC was also arrested. for the crime of bribery.

As announced by the prosecution, there are grounds to suspect that suspect Daria Janjić Nišavić is from suspect D.Č. He received a monthly fee, the benefits promised in advance to assist in obtaining a contract in the public procurement procedure of the Ministry of Agriculture in the field of services, which is supported by a foreign fund for financing agriculture.

“The suspect DJN has been promised a payment of benefits in the amount of around 1,000 euros per month, for the next two years, while the public purchase contract lasts,” said the prosecution.

Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimović told Kurir today on the occasion of the arrest of the Deputy Minister for International Cooperation, who works in his ministry.

“If someone has done something against the law, they must be held accountable, whoever they are. Zero tolerance for corruption. I know her superficially, from work, I see her once a month. She works there in the Ministry” Now she was working correctly. When asked if he was surprised that one of his associates was arrested, “Nedimovic said.


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