BELGRADE – Kosovar Albanians will no longer destroy, as before, the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, but will try to appropriate it with “expert” efforts, estimates historian Dejan Ristic.
Ristic affirms this position after the recent debate within the festival “Mirdita, good morning”, in which the Albanian historians of Kosovo and Metohija affirmed, among other things, that the inheritance in Kosovo and Metohija should be “common”, and that the It is politics that “is trying to divide the cultural heritage of Kosovo by nationality.”

For Ristic, there is no doubt that the field of cultural heritage, its research, protection and presentation, is increasingly imposed as one of the important issues of the first order in the conversations between Belgrade and Pristina, which, as he told Tanjug With increasing excesses by the provisional authorities in Pristina, the endangerment, appropriation and attempts to seize the cultural heritage of Serbian origin rightly disrupts the public in Serbia, the region and beyond.
According to a report by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, one of the organizers of the recent Mirdita Festival, the panelists agreed that “in Kosovo there is a collective consciousness of all peoples about the preservation of cultural heritage and monuments, and politics he is trying to divide that heritage by nationality. Serbian and Albanian. “
One of the two forum participants, Korab Krasniqi from the Kosovo ZFD forum, otherwise the director of the project and the publication “Kosovo – Heritage of Memory”, said that “it will not be a problem if you say that some buildings are only Serbs or just Albanians, but it should be a starting point for discussion and debate on cultural heritage. “

Durim Abdullah from the Faculty of Philosophy in Pristina described the so-called Kosovo as a space where different peoples lived and live, looking equally at cultural heritage, monuments, churches, mosques.
“Politicians have no emotion about the heritage and cultural heritage of Kosovo. It is an area where Serbs and Albanians lived and the same people still go and visit those buildings. That is why it should be a common heritage and everyone should have access to them. “. Abdullah said.
This debate was marked by the conspicuous absence of experts in the field of protection of cultural monuments of Serbian nationality from some of the institutions dealing with Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija.
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights told Tanjug that Jelena Pavličić, assistant professor of art history at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Prishtina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, associate of the Center for Museology and Heritology at the Faculty of Philosophy from Belgrade, was announced as a participant in the forum. , as they say, for private reasons, he canceled his participation at the last minute.
A year ago, Jelena Pavlicic pointed out in an interview with the Belgrade press that “our services for the protection of cultural monuments cannot or have difficulties to exercise their powers, because the Kosovo institutions do not recognize, much less integrate the competence of the Serbian protective services, that is, the activities of these institutions are not entirely welcome. ” on the territory of Kosovo “The outgoing Minister of Culture, Vladan Vukosavljevic, says it is not clear what the participants in the debate meant by” common cultural heritage “.
“What we know for sure is that there are more than 1,300 monasteries, churches, cemeteries, graveyards and other monuments of Serbian material cultural heritage in the province of Kosovo and Metohija, most of which, thanks to the attitude of the majority of the population in Kosovo and Metohija, were almost destroyed. ” visibly damaged or in deplorable condition, “Vukosavljevic told Tanjug.

It adds that the intangible cultural heritage of the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs is treated in a similar way.
The minister emphasizes that “the Albanian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, to the extent that it has it, is mostly in excellent condition.”
We want to believe that the participants in the debate wanted to express the need to take care of the Serbian cultural and historical heritage and protect it in the same way as the Albanian. Only then can the cultural heritage of Serbs and Albanians be described as “common”. it was the meaning of his idea, so we fully support both the meaning and the idea, “says Vukosavljević.
Ristic believes that the entire panel at the Mirdita festival was filled with statements that can be subsumed under the term “common places”, with a “sweet voice emphasis” that cultural heritage should unite and unite members of different nations, religions, traditions …
“This is the essence of this political event, which, under the pretext that cultural heritage should unite and unite, tried to rudely and irresponsibly ignore the fact that cultural heritage on the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija is subject to brutal decades, open and continuous devastation, unrest, desacralization, denial and all kinds of violence, ”says Ristic.
According to him, after decades of their physical destruction of KIM’s cultural heritage culminating during that tragic and ominous day in late March 2004, the Kosovo Albanians and their “mentors” correctly understood that the terrifying scenes of fire, demolition and devastation, desecration and destruction of Serbian Orthodox places of worship then sent the world an image of utter savagery and anti-civilization behavior identical to that which, for example, led to the permanent destruction of Buddha statues in Afghanistan or ancient Palmyra in Syria. “After that eruption of outright savagery, the Kosovar Albanians found themselves in a situation where they should continue to pursue their goals in a much more perfidious, but equally effective and anti-civilizational way,” says Ristic.
Ristic specifies that this means stopping any attempt to physically disturb and devastate Serbian cultural heritage, with the aim of focusing on a complete change of its identity characteristics.
“The Kosovo Albanians will no longer attack our places of worship in an organized, synchronized and massive way with the aim of permanently destroying them, but will make enormous” professional “efforts to appropriate them, so that the cultural heritage of Serbian origin becomes finally in part of the so-called Kosovo or, more openly, Albanian cultural, historical, artistic, spiritual and any other heritage, “says Ristic.
According to us, this process, which is completely disastrous, is largely in the implementation phase and could lead to the permanent loss of our cultural heritage and national identity in Kosovo, Ristic fears.

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