This is how Sanja Marinković justified herself after the celebration crown!


Presenter Sanja Marinković posted several photos with the company, after which she regretted it.

Due to the general situation in the world with the corona virus, Sanja announced herself and resolved all doubts, such as organizing the celebration, and explaining what “Covid Elite” means, as it is written in one of her photos.

“A lot of dust has been raised in public because of these photos, and nobody really understands what it is about. So I want to explain it to everyone in this way. So, I did not organize the celebration, I went to a meeting on my friend’s birthday. It is important that you know. And the other thing that raised a lot of dust is what I wrote in the photo – Covid Elita, “said Sanja, and explained:

Sanja marinkovic
photo: Instagram

Many misunderstood the meaning of the term, which actually represents a group of people who, sadly, became infected with the coronavirus, but fortunately contracted the virus successfully. I hope this persecution stops now and it was not my intention. insulting someone or encouraging someone to violate the standards adopted by the profession and the state “


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