This is how Milosevic was heard! Everything was revealed when the curtain fell on the love ecstasy of Slobina’s daughter


MORNING SHOCK Lopušina: This is how Milošević was heard!  Everything was revealed when the curtain fell on the love ecstasy of Slobina's daughter

Photo: Happy TV Printscreen

BELGRADE – Journalist and publicist Marko Lopusina, known for a series of books on the work of the secret services, surprised viewers of this morning’s morning show by revealing how the former President of Serbia and FRY, the late Slobodan Milosevic, was heard on the phone.

Marko Lopušina
photo: Happy TV Printscreen

When asked how Milosevic was generally listened to, Lopusina revealed on the TV morning show Happy:

– Very easy !, he said, explaining that Slobodan was considered a great Serbian nationalist and an opponent of Yugoslavia, so he was intervened in that direction.

Slobodan milosevic
photo: Profimedia / FRANCOIS XAVIER MARIT / AFP

Lopusina claims that she discovered everything by accident, when Milosevic’s daughter fell in love with her boyfriend in the family apartment! In that loving ecstasy, how strong it was, the curtain fell and with it the spy!

Marko Lopušina
photo: Happy TV Printscreen

(Printing screen Happy / TV Happy)

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