
Photo: Printscreen, EPA / Vlada Dimitrijević
After Milosevic’s arrest, his wife Mira and daughter Marija temporarily stayed in Dedinje village. During the arrest, daughter Marija apparently fired a gun. Cedomir Jovanovic said that a large number of his supporters gathered in front of the “Mir” villa, where Milosevic was with his family, and that the last thing the former president did before being handcuffed was to wash his daughter Marija’s hair. sink. “
The two of them go upstairs, there is none, there is no … At the end I go up the stairs, the door to the room is open. Mary holds her head over the sink, and he washes her hair and speaks gently to her. I stand to one side, he looks at me and says, “Here, here, I’ll be quick.” And then he comes down, and she steps behind him with a gun in her hand and says, “Kill yourself, here you go, kill yourself,” he said. It is then Jovanovic.
In one of the rare interviews given by Slobodan Milosevic’s daughter, now circulating on the internet, Marija Milosevic revealed what happened the night they arrived in Villa Mir to arrest Milosevic, why she joined the SRS and if she would ever return to Belgrade .
“It was two nights for me … It was Friday, Friday to Saturday, Saturday, Saturday to Sunday and on Sunday morning he left. He said that if he didn’t go to jail with them he would kill all the people in the house. And there were about 30 people in the house, there were my mother and father’s friends, there were also my friends … Marko was not there … fortunately it was not when all that shooting was … They completely broke his residence. .. they could really kill us all. I will remember it for the rest of my life. It is worse for me than being on the battlefield, “said Marija Milosevic in a 2007 interview for the” Alter Ego “show.

He said that he would visit his father almost every day while he was in prison in Belgrade.
“One day, they only put the accusation of Carla del Ponte in jail. And before that, we received assurances from Vojislav Kostunica, Milan Milutinovic and Zoran Djindjic that he would not be extradited to any foreign prison,” said Marija Milosevic. World statesmen welcomed Slobodan Milosevic’s arrest, and in June of the same year he was extradited to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia. Slobodan Milosevic was visited daily by his wife Mirjana, and often accompanied by their daughter Marija. These meetings were mostly conducted in a calm and friendly atmosphere, but this was not always the case.
During the first meeting with his daughter in the facilities of the District Prison, the former president of Yugoslavia addressed Marija, somewhat jokingly, with the words:
– Where are you, terrorist? Most likely, Milosevic then alluded to the fact that Marija fired a gun during her arrest at Uzicka’s residence, which is why legal proceedings are still ongoing against her today. According to the testimony of the then prison director Dragisa Blanusa, Marija burst into tears and accused her father of going behind bars almost voluntarily.
– All this should not have happened if you had resisted, and you agreed with them and got in the car on March 31st. I want a father by my side, not a father in The Hague. It is as if you have made the decision to go to The Hague and what k..c then I am looking here when you decide everything yourself and do not consult with me and my mother, as if we both did not. exists.

– Mary, son, calm down. Life is made up of ups and downs. What was he supposed to allow tonight, to kill them all or the innocent to suffer? I’m glad when all of you are well, and you and your mother and little Mark and Mark. I will endure everything with dignity, do not worry, I will not kill myself. It is a lifetime. It will always be good for me if I know that they are okay, her father tried to comfort her at the time.
Slobi was allowed to have a cook at his disposal in custody. On one occasion, during a visit, he asked Maria to make coffee for the three of them. However, it exploded then.
– I didn’t come to jail to make you coffee and be a coffee cook. Everything hurts, both my kidney and my stomach, and everything in turn fails me, so I won’t live to be forty. Don’t you see that everything went to hell … – Marija shouted, to which Sloba tried to calm her down: – Marija, son, what are you talking about? Why don’t you go to the doctor and who prescribed the therapy for you?
Only with his words Maria went crazy.
– Nobody! You are obviously fine here in jail, and this partisan (pointing to her mother) is happy to come here, she already has experience visiting prison from partisan times. It might be about time you stopped acting partisan and started thinking realistically. I’m not in those partisan stories of yours, I don’t belong where you are, I’m from another story. You do everything yourself and on your own, you did not consult with your family even when you called the elections, so I only found out from the newspapers. Well now look. The end of the world has come to Serbia, everything is flooded, even the prisons, there is water for people up to the first floor. Here a flood, there an earthquake, somewhere volcanoes. You just laugh. I don’t come for four days, and when I come, you laugh at me like I’m a stupid August and you just talk to yourself – hissed Maria.
In 2006, Milosevic died in custody, awaiting the end of the trial.

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