This is how I got it and why I was at the celebration.


Singer Emil Bota, who was deprived of his official identification by the European International Police Association (EPA) at the celebration in Vrčin, explained where his badge came from.

In an exclusive statement to Kurir, Bota said he was shocked when he woke up today and realized that the media had been writing about him all morning, so he had “countless” missed calls, including from his daughter. .

Bota admits he attended a celebration he attended at the invitation of a friend.

“A friend who had been expecting a child for five years, finally had a child and asked me to come sing at the celebration. He told me there would be about 15 people. I went with my team in a friendly way to increase the joy,” he began. the story of Emil Bot.

In the meantime, he says, other guests arrived, and then, according to him, a shot was heard from the patio.

“It turned out that one of his friends fired and the police arrived very quickly. When the Intervention entered the courtyard and the house, everyone identified us. They found an EPA license plate on my car. It’s real and I never, not even last night, I didn’t call her. I received it regularly, from the EPA, as a friend. “

The singer explains that the police asked him where his badge came from.

“I explained to him that I received it from the director of the EPA. The policeman told me that I would have to take it off temporarily to review everything and issue a certificate that it was seized. I hope they return it to me,” continues Bota.

Then, he claims, he went home and went to bed.

“And when I woke up, I was shocked, to put it mildly. Many friends called me, including my daughter, and they all asked me about the badge, but also about drugs and shooting. I’m a big opponent of narcotics, I didn’t have drugs with me, and much less a pistol ”, is categorical Emil Bota.

In the end, the singer added that the aforementioned EPA director called him today to check if everything was okay.


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Author: delivery courier
