“THIS IS HORROR, PEOPLE, WE’RE ALL GOING OUT” Nothing Topčagić can’t come to his senses after Jay’s death – “I’m so sorry for him”


The singer Nada Topčagić received the news of his death in Tara, where he accidentally learned of a terrible tragedy that deeply moved the national public.

– I heard five minutes ago, disaster. I can not believe it! I can’t get back to my senses! I can’t believe it, I’m really surprised … Now I wonder who the third is, when two people die, the third one leaves immediately … God forbid – Nothing is in shock.

– We haven’t seen each other for a long time, we haven’t known each other … It’s been a year and a half for sure, the only thing I saw on TV. Then I said, “He looks great, he’s a little fat, but good.” We only see each other on television. I’m so sorry for him, I can’t believe it. I know he had heart problems before … What can I tell you. We just go, people go, we all go! This is horror, awful, I can’t see reason. Shocking news with force.

Nada also recalled an anecdote from fifteen years ago, when he criticized her in Vienna for gaining weight.

– Happy … Real! I remember one time in Vienna, 15 years ago, I came in a tight dress, he said to me “Could you pierce a spoon a bit, Nado”, that’s when I heard it for the first time. I will remember him as a good friend, colleague … A cheerful man, a great soul, a man of the people. I can not believe what is happening, incredible – says Nada, who also referred to the rumors that his way of life led to this outcome.

– That’s what I thought a moment ago. Youth allows everything, but then we pay the serious consequences. He also lived a gourmet life, he was not careful. Youth, popularity … All that brought something and you see, he left us early. I thought everything “I’m not going to miss anything”, youth, strength, but everything passes … I also had problems with my heart, pressure … Creepy – said Nada.


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