“THIS IS HORROR, PEOPLE, WE’RE ALL GOING OUT” Nada Topčagić froze when he heard that Jay was dead: “I can’t come to my senses”


I was not expecting such news!

A singer Nada Topčagić news of death Džeja Ramadanovskog she was received in Tara, where she accidentally found out about the terrible tragedy on the TV Pink program, which deeply moved the national public.

Photo: E-Stock

– I heard five minutes ago, disaster. I can not believe it! Now I got to Tara, I saw him in Pink, I thought he was in “Premiere” … And now I hear that he died, I can’t come to my senses! I can’t believe it, I’m really surprised … Now I wonder who the third is, when two people die, the third one leaves immediately … God forbid – Nothing is in shock.

– We haven’t seen each other for a long time, we haven’t known each other … It’s been a year and a half for sure, the only thing I saw on TV. Then I said, “It looks great, it’s a little fat, but it’s good.” We only see each other on television. I’m so sorry for him, I can’t believe it. I know he had heart problems before … What can I tell you. We just go, people go, we all go! This is horror, awful, I can’t see reason. Shocking news like …

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

In an interview for Pink.rs, Nada also recalled an anecdote from fifteen years ago, when he criticized her in Vienna for gaining weight.

– Happy … Real! I remember one time in Vienna, 15 years ago, I came with a tight dress, he said to me: “You could prick a spoon a bit, Nado”, that’s when I first heard it from him (laughs). I will remember him as a good friend, colleague … A cheerful man, a great soul, a man of the people. I can not believe what is happening, incredible – says Nada, who also referred to the rumors that his way of life led to this outcome.

Photo: Pink.rs

– That’s what I thought a moment ago. Youth allows everything, but then we pay the serious consequences. He also lived a gourmet life, he was not careful. Youth, popularity … All that brought something and you see, he left us early. He thought everything “I’m not going to miss anything”, youth, strength, but everything passes … He also had problems with his heart, pressure … Creepy – Nothing said to Pink.rs.

As a reminder, Jay Ramadanovski passed away today in an apartment in Dorcol, at the age of 56, after his heart stopped.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Author: DT
