THIS IS ANASTASIA – YOUR IMAGE FROM THE SAND IS CIRCULATING IN SERBIA! He called the MAIL: They told me to take off my clothes, what was I supposed to do?


THIS IS ANASTASIA - YOUR IMAGE FROM THE SAND IS CIRCULATING IN SERBIA!  He called the MAIL: They told me to take off my clothes, what was I supposed to do?

Victim Anastasia M., Photo: Private archives, Social networks

The scandalous photo of a half-naked patient suffering from kovid, which was shared on social media in the previous days, shocked the public, and authorities say they will do everything possible to discover and punish the person who took and shared the photo without authorization.

Unbeknownst to our knowledge, as we found out, Anastasia M. was photographed in her underwear as she changed into a room at the kovid temporary hospital in the Belgrade Arena, while medications and an infusion stand could be seen around her!

– They took the photo after the reception at the Arena, where they told me to take off my clothes to do an ECG. Should I look around to see if there is a camera or a camera, and I am under a high temperature, all the bones in my body hurt, and I have inflammation of both lungs? Anastasia M explains to Kurir, who wanted us to publish her photo, but not much. last name. He points out that his shameful act endangers his human rights and his life.

photo: Private Archive

– Someone will have to answer for this. I hope that those responsible determine if this was done with a mobile phone or someone took it from security cameras and how it reached the public. I don’t know whose omission is, the people from the Arena organization or the unscrupulous covid patients, but certainly someone must take responsibility for what they did to me. The culprit must be discovered so that tomorrow another girl, a patient, the target of such sick minds, is not found – said Anastasia, whose parents are also infected with kovid.

– I take care of my father, who is fighting for his life in the Zemun hospital, I also take care of my mother, who is also infected, and now I need to see my photos circulate on social networks. It is a shame how far we have come as people and what individuals do – concluded our interlocutor.

The Ministry of Defense announced yesterday that it has taken all measures to protect the privacy of patients at the Stark Arena temporary hospital. On the occasion of the unauthorized photograph of the patient and the publication of these images on social networks, the Ministry pointed out that this “violated all ethical and moral norms of civilized behavior.”

– It is especially incomprehensible that someone commits such inhumane actions in a situation in which the State does everything possible to protect the health of citizens and prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic – the statement stated, adding that the ministry reported to other competent bodies that will determine the identity of the patients. .

Goran Vesić

I’m angry, the guilty will answer

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić called for an urgent investigation into the scandalous threat to privacy and violation of the patient’s personal integrity:

– By publishing these photos, a crime was committed and everyone who participated in it must be held accountable because the privacy of patients and women was violated. I’m angry. The city of Belgrade, as well as the Serbian army, are not to blame for this scandal, but we are obliged to apologize to these women and their families and promise them that those responsible for this scandal will be held responsible, Vesić wrote on his Facebook account. J. Pronić – Lj. Stanišić Photo: Social Media

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Author: delivery courier
