08.09.2020. 13:57 – 08.09.2020. 14:32
The woman was immediately detained and the Social Work Center was informed, which took care of the girl.

Teacher stabs her husband, Photo: Printskrin
Branislav. M. (39) was found in a pool of blood on the street in the Zrenjanin settlement of Bagljaš, on Heroja Pinkija Street, and is suspected of being stabbed by his wife Stanislava M. (41).
As Kurir unofficially learns, the conflict took place at his home, where his five-year-old daughter was also. Stanislava is suspected of attacking Branislav with a knife and stabbing her several times. The conflict occurred this morning around 7:45 am
Branislav tried to escape and seek help, but collapsed on the street, where his neighbors found him in a pool of blood.
The ambulance and the police were notified immediately, but Branislav was not spared.
The woman was immediately detained and the Social Work Center was informed, which took care of the girl.
According to the order of the Zrenjanin High Prosecutor’s Office, the suspect will be detained for up to 48 hours, after which she will be taken to the prosecutor with a criminal report.