THIS IS A SUSPICIOUS PRIVATE PEDOPHILIA TEACHER: He’s known all over Bruce, did he touch a girl during class?


– I am proud to have the opportunity to work with talented young people, lovers of the flute – said in one of the many interviews with the local media MC of flute, whose KUD, in addition to the flute section, brings together talented children in the folklore, theater, song and art section. .

Photo: Facebook

As the artistic director of KUD, he worked with over a hundred children within KUD, who were often awarded. As reported by “Novosti”, the mother of a ten-year-old girl, who was in flute class with the suspected MC, reported to the police that her daughter told her that the music teacher touched her in the chest area. Everything allegedly happened at the suspect’s home, where the class was held. At that time, they were alone in the house.

Photo: Facebook

– The suspect was arrested and will be questioned after the expiration of that measure, and the injured party gave a statement to the experts of the Center for Social Work, whose assessment will be important in the future of the process – says Milan Mihajlović, prosecutor of “Novosti”.

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