This is a Serbian citizen who brutally killed an ex-girlfriend in Brescia (VIDEO)


Kadruš Beriša (60), originally from Serbia, was arrested in Italy on suspicion of killing his illegitimate Ukrainian ex-wife Victoria Vovkotrub (42), whose body was found buried in Brescia on November 14.

photo: Facebook

The Ukrainian woman disappeared on November 4 and was buried not far from Berisha’s home. The monster was stopped next to the container while throwing a carpet with traces of blood and a bag of bloody clothes.

The Italian police followed Berisha for two days, because Victoria’s friend reported her missing. On November 4, she told a friend that she was meeting Berisha, and has since lost all traces. The carpet and clothing were taken for analysis and it was determined that the blood and hair belonged to the missing Victoria. Berisha initially denied the crime and refused to say where Victoria was, but pressed by the evidence, he eventually admitted that he buried the body near the house where she lived. However, he reportedly did not admit to having tried her.

photo: Facebook

The first results of the investigation indicate that the murderer first stunned her with a blow to the head, and then stabbed her several times until she suffered injuries from which she died.

According to the Ukrainian “Observer”, the police took 13 hours to exhume the body of the Ukrainian woman. The investigation showed that Victoria had been dead for several days and that she had been killed at Berisha’s home. Friends of the murdered woman say that Victoria met Berisha three years ago, when they began a love story and soon a life together. His friends didn’t like him. Berisha has lived in Italy for a long time, has a work permit and allegedly worked on a farm.

Victoria is from the Cherkasy region. She has an adult son and daughter, who goes to elementary school and who are now with their parents.


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