THIS HAS BEEN A SUCCESS FOR THE CHINESE AND NOBODY ELSE They have come out of the crisis financially stronger, and the secret lies in a sentence that is also well known to Serbs.


The second largest economy in the world is growing rapidly. In China, consumption and production are growing at the same time, and the strength of the national currency, which has reached the strongest level since 2018, is stamping the recovery.

What is the secret and how is it that the country where the crown came from has the fastest economic recovery? And not just the fastest, because China is now growing much more than it did last year right now.

BeijingPhoto: Blic / RAS Serbia


China’s GDP grew by almost five percent from July to September compared to the same period last year, representing a dramatic change compared to the first quarter of this year, when the economy registered a drop of 6.8 percent. From July to September, GDP grew 2.7 percent and was 11.5 percent higher than at the beginning of the year.

China’s recovery from the impact of the crown began in early spring, and new data reveals that it expanded into consumption in early fall, so retail sales in Jumping at the same time rose less than seven percent and the yuan rose to its highest value in previous years. 27 months.

What is the secret? China’s success in controlling the coronavirus is not the result of early control measures, such as the lockdown, but the country’s approach to solving things after allowing people to move again. So in China, the key sentence was: people should live, work and move, which can often be heard in Serbia lately.

In particular, China’s ability to monitor infection cases across the country, wherever there is the slightest possibility of a new group, has allowed the government to react quickly and control the local spread of the infection.

Application of the 2003 experience

This approach has included a sophisticated health code system to track people’s movements. Many Chinese companies need a light green health bill and an appropriate QR code, confirming that the person is healthy and safe, making it easier to track the virus.

These measures have allowed regional governments to introduce locks only in certain areas or to conduct mass surveys as needed. It happened recently in the city of Quingdao in northeast China, where more than 10 million people were tested in about seven days, after 12 cases of transmission of the virus among the local population.

Resistance to the virus was also favored by the discipline of residents in wearing masks and maintaining public hygiene, while the Chinese authorities strictly monitored non-compliance with epidemiological measures.

China’s approach to pandemic control has also proven good in other Asian countries, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan.

It should be remembered that East Asia suffered from the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in 2003, which even then taught the authorities and the population of this part of the world strict precautions.
