This global manufacturer brings technology worth 100 million euros to our country and creates 100 jobs


“At the entrance to Novi Sad today, I was greeted by the noise of the Bari Caleboa machines, which are tirelessly preparing new production plants for the chocolate factory, their first investments in this part of Europe,” said the mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević.

He added that this global manufacturer brings technology worth 100 million euros to our country, creates 100 jobs and also employs 30 engineers in its Chocolate Academy.

– By initiating cooperation and connecting with experts from our Faculty of Technology, students, assistants and assistant professors will be able to study here and contribute their knowledge, which is of inestimable importance for our educational institutions. At the same time, while we expect a valuable Japanese investment, we are completely changing the configuration of this part of the city and creating a new industrial zone, with the help of the state. Times are tough, but we’re not giving up! – Vučević pointed out.

(City of Novi Sad)

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Author: delivery courier
