This city in Serbia was flagged as a possible CROWN BOMB, it happened NOW, this is how and when it all started


In the list of cities that now stands out from the rest of our country, which we can say is an oasis in a wild crown environment, is Kragujevac, which reached the top of the infamous epidemiological list and was marked as one of the potential corona bombs.

According to the most recent data, Kragujevac is on the list of cities in terms of the number of people who are self-isolated, up to 214. How important this is is shown by the fact that we only have 17 such cases in Belgrade, which has a population of nearly two million.

So far, a total of 1,981 cases of infection have been recorded in Kragujevac. Twelve patients are being treated at the Kragujevac Clinical Center and two people are on a ventilator.

How much Kragujevac deviates from the pattern of the current situation is best seen if we compare the situation with other cities.

Photo: COVID19 / screenshot

The number of people in self-isolation in Kragujevac, which has just over 150,000 inhabitants, is 214, while in Belgrade there are only 17. The second place on this list is Nis. In the city of approximately 186,000 inhabitants, there are 96 people in self-isolation, which is significantly less than in Kragujevac. Third place is held by Ćuprija, which was once also a hotbed, and now has 48 people in self-isolation.

Photo: COVID19 / screenshot

So these numbers attest to the fact that something shouldn’t have happened, and if until recently Kragujevac was a “peaceful port” when it comes to the corona virus, now this city is increasingly referred to as a hotbed and potential bomb. crown, and the question arises as to what led to the worsening of the general situation.

The beginning of the school year

If we look at the graph showing the number of people in self-isolation in Kragujevac, it is clear that it started to grow when the school year began.

Photo: COVID19 / screenshot

As early as September 1, an elementary school sixth-grade student was given a measure of self-isolation because her parents were positive in the crown. She was not tested, even if her parents tested positive, but she came to the school to attend classes regularly.

This is not the only case of risky behavior in schools. Another student and her twin sister were in class, even if the parents knew she was in risky contact with a person who already had coronavirus.

What can be concluded from this is that the parents acted extremely irresponsibly in this situation. They sent the boy to school even if he was infected, while others knew there was a risky contact, and the reason for attending classes from home is more than obvious.

Return from summer vacation and failure to comply with measures

Holidays, good weather, travel and relaxation – that could be another reason why Kragujevac is now marked as a hotspot.

On Friday, the supervision for those who returned from summer vacation came into force, and with this measure, everyone is obliged to report electronically, and in case it is necessary to be in self-isolation.

The number of people in self-isolation does not strictly mean that they are positive for the corona virus, but due to the existence of suspicions or risky contacts, they should be isolated so as not to pose a risk to themselves and others.

The epidemiologist at the Kragujevac Public Health Institute, Dr. Predrag Delic, previously said that around 200 people are examined daily in this city, including those who want to travel.

According to him, the relaxation contributed to the precarious situation, in addition to organizing celebrations where there is a greater possibility of contagion.

More imported cases

The important thing is to stay in the country and avoid traveling, especially to places where the epidemiological situation is worse than in our country, is the case of the footballers of the futsal club “Ekonomac”.

As already reported by the media, up to six soccer players were infected with the corona virus at the Tuzla tournament, and this was previously confirmed by Dragan Vasiljević of the Kragujevac Institute of Public Health.

– We monitor their condition every day, we check if they have symptoms and we already have a list of their contacts – said Vasiljevic previously.

He pointed out that the biggest problem is infected people who don’t know exactly where they got infected, stating that they are controlling them and their contacts.

“That’s why we have more than 200 isolated people,” he added.

Kragujevac is now a real example of how the epidemiological landscape can easily change. It only took a month to travel from the “peaceful port” to the access point, and risky contacts and irresponsible behavior send people into self-isolation every day.

VIDEO: Confession of a man who barely crossed the crown
