This can only be changed under one condition


BELGRADE – His Holiness Patriarch Irinej will likely be buried in the crypt of the Temple of Saint Sava. The place where the earthly remains of the 45th chief will rest on the throne of Saint Sava is the “ambulatory”, the room behind the altar in the crypt.

Patriarch Irinej is the first chief to be buried in this part of the Temple, which, even when it was conceived in 1895, was intended for the patriarchs. The Patriarchy tells the newspaper that the only thing that can influence the change of place is the will of the patriarch.

If His Holiness left a special wish in his will where to rest your earthly remains – says the interlocutor on the list.

The head of the Serbian Church, Irinej, passed away today at the age of 90. The news of Patriarch Irinej’s death came after 15 days of a tough fight with the corona virus, which the patriarch lost because his health suddenly deteriorated overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.

What is an outpatient clinic?

The part of the crypt where you will be buried: the ambulatory is the space behind the altar and is very rare in Orthodox churches. Only a few in the world of Orthodox churches have this space. The outpatient clinic in the Temple of St. Sava in Vracar was built on the model of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. There is a door through which you enter, and this space, in which the patriarch Irinej will be buried, but also the later Serbian patriarchs if they do not have special wills, surrounds the altar of the crypt.

The crypt of the temple itself is intended for the church of the tomb and is dedicated to the holy prince Lazar.

The construction of the Temple of Saint Sava was practically finished right in the time of Patriarch Irinej. The stone with which the construction began was consecrated back in 1939 and can be seen in the crypt. The crypt itself is intended for the church of the tomb and is dedicated to the holy prince Lazarus. The crypt of the Temple of Saint Sava is accompanied by several stories. Among them is that during WWII, the belgraders hid in it from the bombing and that it was a safe haven for them. Then the German army had fuel tanks on it.

The crypt, the part where Patriarch Irinej will be buried, stretches between the foundations of the Temple of San Sava and has pillars with a maximum height of 6.20 meters. The depth of the Temple is about seven meters. The completion of the crypt and its painting was blessed by the late Patriarch Pavle in 2001.


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