Thirst after covid and gangrene appendicitis: different recovery, listen to the doctors


H1 TV presenter Maja Žeželj said live by Dan, after he had a coronavirus and had his appendix removed due to gangrene, that recovery looks different than surgical recovery. “I had a happy or unfortunate circumstance to know how it looks, they cut my stomach several times, after seven to 10 days the man gets up, gets up and continues, in this case it is not like that. I sleep without stopping, I have a strong a little strength, I do one thing and I fall asleep instantly, I blame the crown for that, my surgical things don’t give as much recovery, ”he says.

The first symptoms, he says, were classic.

“It was a temperature of 37.5, a cold, a chill … As the most common condition before the flu or flu, I assumed it could be that since I do not have a spleen, I belong to a risk group, I started to After that First fever, I no longer had any symptoms, three days later I lost my smell and taste, besides, nothing was too dramatic, I didn’t feel exhausted, I knew I had to rest, that I had to. I isolate myself “, she says.

On the ninth day of the crown, he says, his stomach began to hurt.

“I thought it was one of the symptoms, however, it was different. At one point, we received a recommendation to monitor the blood count for the first 10 days after the crown, everything was within normal limits, when my pain started. stomach, what days, the CRP jumped, nothing dramatic, but elevated compared to what it should be, enough to suspect a problem, ”she says.

He adds that overnight he received a recommendation to see a surgeon.

“A scan was done, it was found it was a problem with the appendix, it was gangrene appendicitis that had to fly away. The scanner rose to a shadow towards the lungs, mutual changes were observed, they were not alarming, I am not that part in I absolutely felt, ”she says.

He says that recovery looks different than surgical recovery.

“I had a happy or unfortunate circumstance to know how it looks, they cut my stomach several times, after seven to 10 days the man gets up, gets up and continues, in this case it is not like that. I sleep without stopping, I have a strong a little strength, I do one thing and I fall asleep right away, it is probably some kind of recovery of the organism, I blame the crown for that, my surgical things do not give such recovery, “he says.

He thinks that the most important and the first and basic thing is to listen and respect the doctors.

“These are people who are in direct contact with her, every day, with hundreds of us patients, they know exactly the order in which everything is going. Listening to what they say, don’t put me in that situation, I was careful, I had two situations that were suspicious, if it weren’t for those situations, I suppose that the way I lived would have led me to not have a crown, ”says Žeželj.

He noted that we should “try not to indulge.”

“Listen to what they tell us, enter that system and make things easier for the people who die in those jobs. It’s literally to the point of exhaustion, I can only take my hat off to them, whoever listens, I just say listen to the doctors They are the only ones who know what is happening, listen to them and make it easier for them, and then we make it easier for ourselves, we will go through this story cheaper, ”he says.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
