THIRD CROWN STRIKE IN NOVEMBER? DR KON: Some measurements can be returned, it’s realistic to expect a “collision” from kovid and girpa


A further attack from the crown is expected in Serbia in November, and we are now preparing for that most difficult period. At the moment, it is important to monitor compliance with all adopted regulations, and in the future some recommendations could become mandatory measures, said Dr. Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff for the fight against kovid-19.

– I emphasize again and recommend wearing a mask, not only indoors but also outdoors. That recommendation is being forgotten. I am aware that a small number of people wear masks outside, but at one time a small number wore them both in transportation and in shopping centers until they became mandatory. The recommendation can sometimes go beyond measure, no one will be surprised if that happens, if everything goes in the wrong direction, warned Dr. Kon on TV Prva.

As our well-known epidemiologist pointed out, we now have a relatively calm situation, but everything can change very quickly.

– The speed of the return of the virus is shocking, everything can change in two weeks, when everything boils on the sidelines, in the countries that surround us. Now it is autumn, winter is coming, we have to maintain this state as long as possible. When conditions are very favorable for the transmission of the virus, it accelerates and after two weeks, these measures are no longer valid. It is important to find out where something is happening, to reduce the first cases. People are more disciplined now, but there are a lot of incidents.

According to Dr. Kona, the main danger currently lurks in high schools and colleges.

– We managed to establish supervision of schools, primary and secondary, which is a great potential for the spread of the virus. If we keep the situation under control, then we will be capable of anything. Young people seek company and that is normal, but they must take care of themselves and the elderly.

Greater numbers of patients are expected with worse and colder weather when people will move into enclosed spaces.

– The highest intensity of all viruses is during winter, so we expect the same from kovid. We are facing the period that best adapts to the virus. Above all, there are weddings, celebrations, many dangers.

There is a lot of talk about the “collision” of the covid and the flu.

– It is realistic to expect that we will have kovid first and then the flu. It doesn’t have to happen, it can happen at the same time. It can be assumed that there is Kovid, and the flu is usually detected in December around St. Nicholas, rarely before. It depends a lot on schools and when they are on vacation. After the holidays, the students come in and the engine starts running, the biggest increase is in February and March – concluded Dr. Predrag Kon.
