“They’re collecting ballots with Biden’s name rounded off!” (VIDEO)



05.11.2020. 15:45

Today, the chairman of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Vojislav Seselj, asked the Serbian Government to issue a statement condemning, as it claims, the falsification of votes in the presidential elections in the United States, in favor of the Democratic candidate Joseph Biden.

Vojislav Seselj

Vojislav Seselj, Photo: Printscreen

– Especially in the federal states of Michigan and Wisconsin. The world might be convinced they were throwing out ballots bearing Biden’s name, Seselj said at a news conference at the party’s headquarters.

He said that the Serbian government must act in principle and that, after signing the declaration condemning the elections in Belarus, which it considers legal, it must now condemn the “flagrant violation of the will of the citizens of the United States.”

He added that the Serbian government should support Biden’s opponent, the Republican and current US President Donald Trump, with a statement.

Read all about the elections in the United States HERE.
