THEY WILL NOT TALK TO ME: Vučić responded to the opposition, and then referred to statements about Seka Sablić


– They do not speak to me. Well, tonight they called me a traitor and their media says nothing about it. What would they say to someone like me, who only has 1 apartment and not 35? What would they say to such an orphan about the president? Look at that hypocrisy, they have been talking for 24 hours about how one of our MPs spoke about his media. She was wrong, she shouldn’t have said that. He just needed to show the citizens who he was talking to and what they were like. But I think he will have more experience in politics – said the presidents.

He asked whether Kosovo had become independent in his time and whether borders had been established in Brnjak and Jarinje in his time.

– You have that rhetoric about domestic traitors in your media, and that is against me. And what did I betray? Did Kosovo become independent in my time? In my time, the International Court of Justice made a decision, which Pristina still refers to today. In my time, the borders of Brnjak and Jarinje were established. But I hear every day that I am a traitor and run gay nudists.

The president also referred to the media conflict caused by the deputy’s statement about Seka Sablić.

– I also do not agree with what Atlagić told Seki Sablić. One of his political interviews came out and I do not agree with any of his phrases. But it was unnecessary for Marko to characterize and give his assessment of what Seka Sablić is like. He is a good man, professor from Krajina, he also worked in Kosovska Mitrovica – said Vučić.

– Those same people were silent several times, when they put my son Danilo on the front pages because of the people he was sitting with. I don’t have to talk about how much I love my son. And what did they say about my youngest son, who is three years old, and that they said I had to pay for what I did.

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