They were WIRELESS in the fight against the crown: Of the three brave sisters, two are UNEMPLOYED! The | Serbia


How doctors Katarina, Magdalena and Jelika became the heroines of all Kruševac

KATARINA Nikolić (38), Magdalena Šćekić (36) and Jelika Slavković (26) are three nurses, three medical workers, and all three were tireless in fighting the 19 kovid epidemic in Kruševac. Their story, which they shared with “Novosti,” bears witness to how much someone can love their hard work and how willing they are to sacrifice themselves to do so, and for only two reasons: love of people and the desire to heal.

The oldest among the amazing nurses is Katarina, a professional physical therapist and the only one permanently employed at Kruševac General Hospital. While working at Children’s Physiatry, you didn’t even have to be involved in the fight against the coronavirus. She offered to help.

– He had no dilemmas about whether to apply, because the younger nurses were also hired, Magdalena from the Department of Surgery was already in the Department of Infectious Diseases, and Jelika began working with suspected patients in the Radiology Service – she testified, for “Novosti”, Katarina Nikolić. – With the support of wonderful colleagues, I mastered the job and worked at a kovid temporary hospital in the Sports Pavilion. I will never forget those months.

Katarina was in charge of assisting with patient admission, drug therapy, disinfection, food delivery, and packages. He would meet young Magdalena only when transporting patients in front of the sports hall. In heavy space suits, through glasses and visors, they were often barely recognizable. They spent at least six hours a day in full protective gear, space suits, double masks … There were days when they had bruises, redness and a rash on their hands.

Magdalena Šćekić, a nurse working in the hospital’s Infectious Diseases Department, as well as Jelika Slavković, a senior medical radiologist, work on fixed-term contracts.

Magdalena and Katarina

Magdalena, a mother of two, has applied for a job 180 times so far and was hired for three months just earlier in the year. Now he only works under a one-month contract, but his love of medicine is stronger than any “weak” contractual obligation.

Read more: “The battle is difficult, but we also have the knowledge and the weapons”: at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Kruševac, with doctors on the front line

– Since 2017, when I finished my volunteer internship, my contract has been extended for three months, I am currently engaged due to maternity leave from a colleague, but my work in the epidemic, like my sisters, I would do without any contract, it is a matter of honor, of our education, attitude towards the most beautiful vocation in the world: a story for “Novosti”, Jelika Slavković, whose contract with the Radiology Service expires on July 27. – I think our service proved to be excellent in the epidemic. We were all “standing”, no one refused the task.

Although the epidemic in Krusevac is decreasing, there is still work to be done. The nurses say they will do so until the last day of the contract, honorably, as well as during the most difficult days.

Photo: Private archive


The three sisters were separated from their families for almost two months of the epidemic in Krusevac. Katarina Nikolić slept in the summer kitchen, and only saw her daughters in

yard. Magdalena Šćekić was separated from her husband and two children at all times, and together with her sister Jelika Slavković, lived upstairs at her parents’ house.
