They want to prohibit you from participating in the elections!



07.10.2020. 11:08

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen

Before the elections, President Vučić said that the government that will be formed, if the citizens trust the list he led, and if they have enormous confidence, it must have a program from which personnel will be created, and not the other way around. I have to adjust, said today Defense Minister Alexander Vulin Guest on the morning TV show “Pink.”

Alexander Vulin

Alexander Vulin, Photo: Printscreen

As he pointed out, there is an interesting tendency to Aleksandar Vučić prohibit him from participating in elections, being the holder of a list.

– The main pressure will be that he does not run again, that he is not allowed to carry the list. Isn’t it the essence of democracy that the country is run by what the citizens want and not by the one they don’t want? – Minister Vulin pointed out, adding that “a strange political school has been created that says that elections are not important, that the sentiment and atmosphere created in the media is important.” .
