They want to announce a contest for suitable and unsuitable Serbs in Montenegro


One of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Milan Knezevic, said today that it is a brutal lie that the Democratic Front is willing to support the minority government.

Speaking on TV Prva, Knezevic said that for now, only Dritan Abazovic’s party is against the withdrawal of the Religious Freedom Law, and that all other political entities are willing to participate in the vote in favor of the suspension of that law.

Knezevic explained that if the DF agreed to support the minority government, it would play with the trust of 135,000 citizens who voted for it and accept that Serbs cannot enter the government, so they would find themselves again in a time of DPS and stigmatization of Serbs .

He said there has been a media campaign lately that Serbs should do some leakage and, as he said, a contest and tender should be announced for eligible and unsuitable Serbs.

According to his assessment, the objective of these speculations is to pressure the DF and its intention to insist on withdrawing, that is, to repeal the Law of Religious Freedom.

– It is unbelievable that anyone expects the coalition that won 33% of the vote to renounce the principles of its program and what it championed in the campaign to create a narrative of an expert minority government and literally stay the same – Knezevic added.

He emphasized that someone is trying to play the electoral will, that is, the Serbian people so that the DF gives some minority support.

Knezevic noted that any attempt to speak out about the Religious Freedom Law would be postponed in the future, playing on the electoral will of citizens.

– That law created unity in our people, it woke us up as a people and the citizens expect it to withdraw, it is a logical move that can be withdrawn by the parliamentary majority until the government is formed – Knezevic said.

Dritan AbazovicPhoto: Boris Pejović / EPA;

Dritan Abazovic

Speaking about the fact that only Dritan Abazovic’s party is against the withdrawal of the Religious Freedom Law, Knezevic said it was a new problem because the suspension of that law was one of the basic principles of the Por coalition program. the Future of Montenegro.

– That is also a question for the Serbian Orthodox Church and we will have to face that challenge – Knezevic said.

He evaluated that the so-called personal solutions deliberately introduced into the media space to mask the fact that certain opposition entities do not want to vote for the suspension of the Law and, in his opinion, may have a worse opinion of the SOC than Milo Đukanović.

– We will not allow eliminatory conditions for personnel solutions, none of us insist on the ministerial function, but we cannot accept that the Serbs in Montenegro cannot cover the departments of internal affairs, defense, justice, the National Security Agency … because someone is allegedly scared by the Montenegrin state building interests if the Serbs cover those departments – Knezevic noted.

When asked about Djukanovic’s remarks about the creation of the Serbian world on the Banja Luka-Podgorica-Belgrade route, Knezevic said it was “the paranoia of the outgoing dictator.”

– He is a man who cannot accept reality. That narrative about the great Serbian hegemony and accusing Aleksandar Vučić that he participated in this election campaign and contributed to the victory of the Democratic Front is a classic narrative that he also defended during the campaign, said the DF official.

Speaking of relations between Serbia and Montenegro, he said that that relationship would be his foreign policy priority.

– Montenegro will turn to Serbia – Knezevic pointed out and said that Serbia is a sister country.

VIDEO: Knezevic: DF supports Becic for president of parliament
