
The residents of Vladetina Street at number 21A are anxiously leaving their homes because they can wash a scorpion from the wet basement of a multi-story building! In the corners of the interior of the building they are noticeable both day and night, and as a cause of their invasion, for now, they only assume, they indicate high humidity from a faulty drain in the lower part of the building.

In recent weeks, an unusual spectacle has been the welcoming and dismissal of the residents of this residential building in Palilula. Scorpios walk through all floors, from the ground floor to the attic. And the worst situation is in the basement, where they were trapped between forgotten things, between garbage and dust, writes “Novosti”.

As the manager of this building Vukasin Andrijevic said, for now, they just assume their trash is in the basement.

– At the back of the courtyard, there is a half-collapsed wall of the old auxiliary building, perhaps they went under. Tenants have had a problem with a faulty drain for almost two years. That is why humidity is created in the basement, which obviously affects the animals, says Andrijevic for “Novosti”.

To control the scorpions, the tenants plan to clean the basements first. Then, in agreement with the competent disinfection and disinsection services in the area, they will try to repel the attacks with certain preparations, since they are not killed.

According to experts, the scorpions that appear in this area are not dangerous to humans. They crawl under the rocks, because they are threatened to dry out. They usually go out at night to eat, however, this time of year, when it is hot, it affects them to sunbathe and store energy. His place to “hide” are mostly cracks, where the surname, waiting for the warmer days.

They also walked through the parks

The appearance of scorpions is not unusual in the capital, although they are rare. In early October last year, they appeared in Kalemegdan, and a few years earlier these arthropods were walking through Tashmajdan Park. Fortunately, no incidents with scorpion stings were reported.

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