They used Vučić’s statement out of context as the reason for a strike, here is the evidence (VIDEO)



05/10/2020 14:30 – 10.05.2020 14:56

Dragan Djilas, Bosko Obradovic, Photo: Tanjug / Tanja Valic

Bosko Obradovic, the leader of Dveri, outraged by the will of the people, decided to start a hunger strike in front of the Serbian Assembly, all on the pretext that in this way he wants to preserve Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia.

It was announced on social media and revealed its intentions, clearly directed against Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

Bosko Obradovic

Bosko Obradovic, Photo: Twitter screenprint

Obradović clearly has other intentions.

Namely, the fascist liars Dragan Djilas and Bosko Obradovic falsified the statement by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, which was made on May 5, 2019, and then directly through the media that controlled the news under the control of Djilas, with the aim of undermining the credibility of President Aleksandar Vučića.

The text on Kosovo and Metohija is the portal, which was published today under the control of Dragan Djilas with the aim of deceiving the citizens of Serbia. The statement the president gave last year for Pink TV was taken out of context and placed on this day.

This is clear evidence of Djilas’ manipulation.

Djilas' lie

Djilas’ lie, Photo: Silkscreen

President Vučić made a statement to Pink TV on May 5, 2019.

It is clear that this is another example of the falsification of fascist lies by Boško Obradović, Dragan Đilas and the editor of Đilas of the portal, which is widely known to people for committing fornication against a minor.
