They unleash the rafts and cross the rivers so as not to punish them!


Some rafts in Belgrade have devised a particularly cavalier trick to avoid control and sanctions for non-compliance with epidemiological measures. They normally work until 10 p.m., then untie the raft and sail downstream, and as famous singers and DJs perform, huge amounts of alcohol are poured out and crowds of people, without masks, squeeze into congested spaces.

This was also confirmed for Kurir by Darko Glavas, the city’s secretary of emergency situations, who says the inspection determined that there are several clubs in the water that, despite the measures, close the facilities at two in the morning. .

– Several yacht clubs and tourist clubs have been noted to set sail around 10 pm and head towards the confluence of the Sava and the Danube, near the so-called happy or love buoys. They go out with the passengers at night, serve drinks, serve guests, organize parties … – a story for Kurir Glavas.

photo: Dado Đilas

Navigation permission

He adds that a list of these facilities has already been made, and that the inspection has at its disposal a river police boat, as well as teams of inspectors ready.

– The owners of these facilities have navigation permits, but it is debatable that there are many more people in them than is allowed and that they work even after 11 at night. Some of them go to Umka, believing that they will not see them there. And some rafts that are moored on the shore and do not have permission to navigate turn off the lights and close the entrance door, so that from the shore it seems that they are deserted and closed, and they continue with the party in the back of the building, from facing the river, which is not visible from the coast. We will also get in his way with the river police – explains Glavas.

Belgrade is still in an emergency situation, which has not been lifted since the epidemic was declared. Glavas affirms that the City of Belgrade initiated the reform of the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, about which Kurir has already written, and that, if approved, it will allow communal militiamen and city inspectors to control compliance with epidemiological measures, such as the use of masks. .

– No medical knowledge is needed to be able to determine if someone is wearing a mask and keeping their distance. If our inspectors and the communal militia were allowed to write a mandatory sentence, we would have hundreds of those who would punish. Now everything depends on the sanitary inspectors, of which there are few. In Belgrade, as the largest city, there are the highest number of infected people, and we do not have the opportunity to punish those who violate the measures – says Glavas.

Mandatory penalties

When the law is changed, it will control public transportation, indoor and outdoor gatherings, catering facilities …

– Mandatory sanctions give the possibility that arrogant people can receive more sanctions during the day – says Glavas and adds that it is proposed in the reforms to the law that facilities that have been fined more than once can be closed for 15 days to six months. .


  • 7,415 inspections have been carried out at the Belgrade catering facilities since the start of the epidemic
  • So far, the Inspection Affairs Sector has submitted 318 misdemeanor orders
  • 3 clubs are closed
  • 129 referrals to the misdemeanor judge were submitted by the health inspection
  • 8 decisions were issued on the immediate emptying of the space Ružica Kantar Photo: Shutterstock

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Author: delivery courier
