They took my car to kill me


SKALJARAC LEADER ARRESTED, THEN RELEASED!  Vukotic accuses the police: they took my car to kill me

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Kotoranin Jovan Vukotić was released after a hearing at the Bar Security Center, it was unofficially said from the Police Administration.

“They brought him in for an informative conversation, information was collected and he was released,” said the interlocutor from that security institution.

It did not specify whether the inspectors seized the armored vehicle from the alleged leader of the Skaljar crime clan.

However, Vukotić’s legal team said that Kotoranin was temporarily left without a car.

After questioning, Vukotic said his phone and car were seized.

He claims it was done without an order from the prosecutor.

“Also, they deliberately let us go on foot,” he said.

Earlier today, Vukotić said that the bar police arrested him and that they were trying to take his car out of sight for someone.

“I came on a private visit to Bar, the police stopped me and they want to take my car and my phone without any explanation. I asked why, but there is no explanation, so I can suspect that they are trying to take my car for someone to kill me. “. he said.

He claims that his car has already been impounded for inspection and that he told the inspector, but was told he “has to do it again.”

On July 31, Vukotić, under police escort, went from Podgorica to Bar for Alan Kožar’s funeral.

That day, the inspectors also supervised the funeral of the murdered Baranin and then “sent” Vukotić to Podgorica on rotations.

Just days before that, he was released from pre-trial detention, where he spent less than six months on charges of attempted murder of two alleged members of the Kavač criminal clan: Vojin Stupar and Miloš Radonjić.

The higher state prosecutor’s office cleared him of these charges of attempted murder of Tamara Zvicer, wife of the alleged leader of the Kavač clan, Radoje Zvicer.

Vukotić was recently wanted by the police for serving a prison sentence, but on September 21 the execution was absolutely prohibited by law and, on that basis, he cannot be taken to prison.

( danas)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
